

Registration 2024-2025




Registration Terms & Conditions

Registration fees are determined at the beginning of each season. Prior to the start of the season, the specific fees and schedule for registration will be communicated with members.

Registration and any outstanding fees must be paid in full prior to the start of the hockey season.

For children wishing to play in more than one division - register for primary division and we will manually register you for the 2nd division

Receipts will be issued for all financial transactions.

NSF cheques must be made good within two (2) banking days of notification or registration will be rescinded. NSF fees will be covered by the issuer of the cheque.

Anyone applying for any funding (i.e., Jumpstart, Breakaway Foundation, KidSportNL) must provide proof of application at time of registration. A minimum of $100 will be due at this time. Once approved, payment will be refunded to the parent.

The Association reserves the right to refuse any player the right to further participate in games and practices for non-payment of fees. The Association will encourage families to settle their outstanding accounts with the Association prior to refusing players from further participation.

If a player leaves TPMHA within fourteen (14) days after the commencement of the regular season, a full refund will be given. Refunds after this date, will be on a prorated basis, minus the annual insurance fee. 

Absolutely NO refunds will be granted after December 1st if a player chooses to leave TMPHA.

In the event of an unforeseen/unplanned shut down of the TPMHA season (e.g., in the event of a stadium shut down or as a result of public health measures), the opportunity for a prorated refund will be reviewed at that time, considering all relevant information.  

TPMHA will have a mandatory fundraiser every season with the dollar amount of fundraising communicated at time of registration. Fundraising is a commitment as part of registration. Any funds raised above the amount required, will go back to TPMHA and do not belong to the individual fundraiser.

Registration 2024-2025

Start date
End date