

Registration 2024/2025 Season




Terms and Conditions

Taber Minor Hockey Association Code of Conduct Zero Tolerance Policy

1. Taber Minor Hockey Association expects all team officials, member, players, participants and fans to exhibit leadership qualities that promote player sportsmanship and decorum, as well as acceptable levels of propriety, towards opponents, game officials and spectators. 1.Members, players and participants and fans are required to abide by the Bylaws, Rules, and Policies of the Association, and their behavior is expected to mirror the spirit of the Bylaws, Rules, and Policies of this code.

2. All members and participants of the Association shall respect other members, officials, parents, players, fans, team officials, volunteers, executive committee members, employees and property of the Association. Any inappropriate conduct, threats, harassment or abuse (including the use of profanity) directed towards game or team officials, members, parents, players, fans, volunteers, executive committee members, employees, damage to the property of the association or another association will not be tolerated. Creating serious danger to the safety of another person or making credible threats of a serious physical or emotional injury to another person will not be tolerated.

3. All members, fans, and participants of the association shall respect the game of hockey and shall behave in a manner so as not to make a travesty of the game.

4. The association will not tolerate loud, obscene, obnoxious coaches, managers, assistants, players, parents, or fans. Such individuals will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined the disciplinary section.

5. Parents and fans are not permitted in the dressing rooms except as expressly permitted by the coach to assist their child in changing before or after a game or practice.

6. In no circumstances is a parent, fan, player or coach to enter the opposing team’s dressing room.

7. Coaches and other team official’s players, parents, and fans are not permitted in the officials’ dressing room, nor are they permitted to confront game officials about the game.

8. Harassment and bullying in all its forms, including cyber-bullying (e.g.: via Snapchat, Twitter, etc.) will not be tolerated during any Taber Minor Hockey (TMHA) activity or program. Accordingly, all those involved with TMHA, including its volunteers, players and parents/guardians of players are responsible for making every reasonable effort to uphold this commitment. Specifically, this includes refraining from harassing or bullying behavior, responding promptly and informally to minor incidents of harassment or bullying ad following local or national policy guidelines for reporting or responding to more serious complaints of harassment or bullying. Players and other participants are expected to refrain from harassing or bullying behavior and are encouraged to report incidents of harassment or bullying.

9. The use of cameras, cellphones, or any type of recording device is strictly prohibited in dressing rooms, including coaches, parents, players, and visitors. Disciplinary action, including possible suspension will follow any breach of this rule.

10. There will be zero tolerance for use of alcohol for any off-ice officials or team officials, any such behavior will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the disciplinary section.

11. Zero tolerance for any inappropriate alcohol induced behavior by any member or fan of the association. Any such behavior will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the disciplinary section and will factor into the length of the suspension. Updated 26/08/2020 Taber Minor Hockey Association Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures Discipline Policy All members, players, participants, and fans are expected to abide by TMHA’s Code of Conduct.

It is recognized however, that from time to time, sanctions may be necessary, from an external source, for behavior, which transgresses acceptable standards. Failure to comply with the Code of Conduct will result in the following disciplinary actions for any players, parents, guardians, fans or team official and may take the form of:

1. A verbal warning.

2. A written reprimand.

3. A suspension.

4. An expulsion.

5. A combination of the above.

After either a written or verbal warning our disciplinary policy shall follow the suspension guidelines below.

1st Offence – Minimum of 1-week (7 days) suspension to maximum of thirty (30) days suspension from participation in any and all Taber Minor Hockey activities. This includes all practices, dry land training, exhibition games, league games, arenas, tournaments as well as any team functions hosted by Taber Minor Hockey.

2nd Offence or Failure to comply with 1st offence action items will result in – Instant removal of the offending player, parent(s), or guardian(s) from any and all activities within Taber Minor Hockey Association, for 1 year from the date of infraction.

3rd Offence or Failure to comply with 1st and 2nd offense action items will result in – Instant removal of entire family (all family members) from any and all activities within Taber Minor Hockey Association, for 1 year from the date of infraction.

Taber Minor Hockey reserves the right to review any and all Hockey Alberta or league suspensions for supplementary disciplinary action, which may include additional suspensions or sanctions. Parent(s)/ guardians(s) and player Code of Conduct signed is good for one season. One season is from May 1st to the following year April 30. Physical abuse of another person will carry indefinite suspension from all Taber Minor Hockey events until reviewed by Taber Minor Hockey Association for further discipline. A complaint must be in writing, must identify the Discipline Issue by providing a summary of the incident and must identify the complainant. It should be delivered in person to a member of the TMHA executive, emailed to [email protected] Once a formal complaint has been received it will be forwarded to the Disciplinary Committee for review. This committee will be comprised of the Vice President, Category Director, and a 3rd Party Member. The TMH secretary will also attend all disciplinary hearings as a neutral party to document all proceedings. All formal complaints will be documented and kept on file for the duration of the offender’s time in Taber Minor Hockey Updated 26/08/2020 Communication Protocol Prior to reporting and or filing a complaint all members must wait 24 hours and then submit their concern. If the 24-hour policy is not adhered to, this offence will be subject to the code of conduct discipline policy and will be decided on by Taber Minor Hockey for disciplinary action length.

Please follow the path below for appropriate complaint communication

Parent  Manager/Coach  Category Director  Vice President  TMHA Board Manager/Coach  Category Director  Vice President  TMHA Board

Appeal Process The TMHA Secretary on receiving a written request for an appeal shall place the item on the agenda for the next regular meeting of the TMHA Executive and inform the President, Vice President and respective Category Director of its receipt. The TMHA Executive may provide up to thirty minutes of meeting time for the person making the appeal to state their case. After the statement has been given, the executive will discuss the case in private. The TMHA Executive shall render its decision by motion and a simple majority of those members in attendance shall suffice.

APPEAL OF DECISION Notwithstanding the above, should a coach, player or parent feel that Stage 3 has not satisfactorily resolved the issue, it may be appealed by writing to the TMHA Secretary, requesting an Appeal to the decision. This appeal must occur within 72 hours of the decision being communicated. The TMHA Secretary on receiving a written request for an appeal shall place the item on the agenda for a special meeting of the Board of Directors. The Secretary must inform the President, Vice President and the respective Category Director of its receipt. The TMHA Executive may provide up to thirty minutes of meeting time for the person making the appeal to state their case. The Board of Directors shall render its decision by motion and a simple majority of those members in attendance shall suffice. The Decision of the Board of Directors shall be final and binding on all parties except for those avenues of recourse provided by Hockey Alberta and Canadian Hockey.

Amendment – April 9, 2001 – A phone call must be made to the parents or party(ies) involved regarding the Board’s decision and with a letter to follow. Please refer to our Bylaws section 18 for our full appeals process Updated 26/08/2020

Code of Conduct Agreement for Players

1. I will play hockey because I want to, not just because my parents or others want me to.

2. I will play by the rules of hockey, and in the spirit of the Game.

3. I will control my temper – fighting or “mouthing off” can spoil the activity for everyone.

4. I will respect my opponents.

5. I will do my best to be a true team player.

6. I will remember that winning isn’t everything – that having fun, improving skills, making friends and doing my best are also important.

7. I will acknowledge all good plays and performances – those of my team and my opponents.

8. I will remember that coaches and officials are there to help me. I will accept their decisions and show them respect.

9. I will follow the TMHA Code of Conduct.

Code of Conduct Agreement for Parents

1. I will not force my child to participate in hockey.

2. I will remember that my child plays hockey for his or her enjoyment, not mine.

3. I will encourage my child to play by the rules and to resolve conflict without resorting to hostility or violence.

4. I will teach my child that doing one’s best is as important as winning so that my child will never feel defeated by the outcome of the game.

5. I will make my child feel like a winner every time of offering praise for competing fairly and hard.

6. I will never ridicule or yell at any player for making a mistake or losing a game.

7. I will remember that children learn by example, I will applaud good plays and performances by both my child’s team and their opponents.

8. I will never question the official’s judgement or honesty in public. I recognize officials are being developed in the same manner as players.

9. I will support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from children’s hockey games.

10. I will respect and show appreciation for the volunteers who give their time to teach my child hockey.

11. I will show respect to all other spectators and will not confront anyone in a negative, critical or detrimental manner.

12. I will do to the best of my ability participate in any all functions and roles given to me by my team throughout the season as it is for the children’s benefit. It’s my responsibility to find a replacement should I not be able to fill my roles.

13. I will follow the TMHA Code of Conduct. I agree to the terms stated above and will adhere to them throughout the 2020-2021 hockey season. I understand that TMHA Board of Directors may use this agreement for discipline purposes, if not all the terms are complied with.

Media Release Waiver Acceptance:

By agreeing to these terms and condidtions, you hereby grant permission to Taber Minor Hockey Association (hereinafter known as the "Media") to use images (photographs and videos) obtained of applicable association members under your custody for use in Media publications including videos, email blasts, recruiting brochures, newsletters, newspapers, official social media, magazines, general publications, website and/or affiliates, tournament posters and other official non-profit activities.

You hereby waive any right ot inspect or approve the finished photographs or electronic matter that may be used in conjunction with them now or in the future, whether that use is known to you or unknown, and you waive any right to royalites or other compensation arising from or related to the use of the images.

You agree that you are 18 years of age or older and am competent to contract in your own name, and are the legal parent/guardian of the athlete you are registering. You agree that you fully understand the contents, meaning and impact of this release. You understand that you are free to address any specific questions regarding this release by submitting those questions in writing to your category director with instructions to present it to the board. 


Registration 2024/2025 Season

Start date
End date