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OWHA Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct identifies the standard of behaviour which is expected of all Ontario Women's Hockey Association (OWHA) Members Participants and others, including athletes, coaches, parents, guardians, directors, volunteers, staff, chaperones and others.

OWHA Teams, Associations, Programs and Leagues are committed to providing a sport environment in which all individuals are treated with respect. Members/Participants of the OWHA shall conduct themselves at all times in a fair and responsible manner. Individuals shall refrain from comments, postings or behaviours that are disrespectful, offensive, abusive, harassing, bullying, cyber-bullying, racist or sexist.

During the course of all OWHA activities and events, individuals shall avoid behaviour which brings OWHA, its members, its participants, or the sport of hockey into disrepute, including, but not limited to excessive use of alcohol, cannabis and non-medical use of drugs.

Individuals shall not use unlawful or unauthorized drugs/narcotics or performance enhancing drugs or methods.

Members/Participants of the OWHA shall not engage in activity or behaviour which endangers the safety of others and must review the OWHA Concussion Awareness Resource on an annual basis.

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