

NCMHA 2024-2025 Player Registration




2024-2025 Fee and Refund Terms and Conditions

a) A registration fee shall be determined at the Executive Meeting prior to registration.

b) All children must register with the NCMHA before trying out for NOHA teams registered and/or sponsored by the Association.

c) Refunds of board established registration fees will be issued as follows:

     i) Full refund - players who choose to remove themselves from the NCMHA before the ice allocation meeting.

     ii) Full refund less a $50.00 administration fee - players who removes themselves from the NCMHA on and from ice allocation meeting day, but before September 30. (U7-U15)

     iii) 50% refund of the full registration fee - players who remove themselves from the NCMHA after October 1, but on or before October 31. (U7-U15)

     iv) Between November 1 and December 31, if a waiting list exist for that division, a refund will only be considered if a player from this waiting list is still available and has completed their registration and has already          started play with the affected NCMHA team. (U7-U15) This refund shall be subject to:

          a) The reason for the player leaving NCMHA

          b) Board vote on whether refund will be approved/denied

          c) If approved, the refund will be 40% of the full registration fee, minus a $50 administration fee, minus Insurance fee, minus Hockey Canada fee, minus Jersey fee/Jersey rental fee, minus fundraising fee, and any                other incidental fee that may come up

          d) If there is no waiting list and NCMHA much reach out to find a replacement no refund will be considered until a suitable replacement is found and that replacement has started play with the affected team. This              replacement must have started play with the affected by December 31

          e) If there is no waiting list and NCMHA has not found a suitable replacement no refund will be consider

     v) There shall be no refunds issued for players on or after January 1. (U7-U15)

     vi) There will be no refunds for players registered for U18 after Team Selections have been completed, without board approval.

NCMHA 2024-2025 Player Registration

Date de début
Date de fin