

GTMHA 2024/2025 Season Registration




Term and Conditions

SIGNATURE AND WAIVER: We hereby acknowledge the authority of Hockey Canada, BC Hockey, WKMHA and GTMHA and agree to carry out and abide by the Constitution, By-Laws, rules and regulations of those Associations. I give permission to GTMHA and my team to use my photograph in social media and websites that pertain to GTMHA activities.

RELEASE: In consideration of this application to play under the auspices of GTMHA, I do hereby for myself, heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, remise, release and forever discharge Hockey Canada, BC Hockey, WKMHA, GTMHA, its officers, or anyone acting on their behalf from all manner of litigation, damage, claims, or demands in law or equity which I may have or acquire by reason of personal injury, loss or damage to property, which may occur during or by reason of participation in the activities of GTMHA.

EQUIPMENT: We, at the end of each season covered by our jersey deposit, agree to return all equipment provided by GTMHA in good condition and should we fail to do so we acknowledge GTMHA will hold our team jersey deposit until agreed reimbursement is made.

Please accept these terms and conditions 

GTMHA 2024/2025 Season Registration

Date de début
Date de fin