

Registration 2024-2025




Payment Terms and Conditions

For EPR players, a minimum $100 deposit is due at the time of registration. If you are trying out for a competitive team you do NOT need to pay the $100 deposit until after tryouts. Players will not be permitted to participate in any on-ice EPR sessions until the deposit has been received.

For Competitive Tryouts, the $10 fee is due at the time of registration. Players will not be permitted to participate in any Competitive Tryouts until the fee has been received. If players who signed up for Competitive Tryouts return to EPR, a minimum $100 deposit will be required before they will be permitted to participate in any on-ice sessions. 

Payment can be made by etransfer to [email protected]YOU MUST INDICATE THE NAME OF THE PLAYER IN THE NOTES/COMMENTS OF THE ETRANSFER.

If your financial institution requires you to enter a question and answer, please use
Question: Sport  Answer: hockey.

Additional information on payment terms and the refund policy can be found in the Association Constitution on the EPR website. 

Information on the start of the season will be shared on our website and Facebook page. Please sign up to receive General Information emails from our website using our Email Signup and follow us on Facebook.

Registration 2024-2025

Start date
End date