

Registration 2024-25




Refund Policy

The AHMSL applies the following principles in the management of termination and refund requests:


Written request: to be admissible, any request for termination and refund must be made in writing at the location of the Registrar using the following email address: [email protected];


Date of receipt of the request: the request is considered received on the date of its receipt via email to the official address of the person listed in the previous paragraph, or on the date of its arrival at the AHMSL office when this request is sent by post or directly to the AHSML office;


Start date of activities: for the purposes of this policy, the start date of the activities of the season for which the player requests a refund is set on the day on which the first practice, evaluation session, free play session occurs, fitness session, exhibition game, tournament or regular game to which the player is invited to attend, whether he or she does or not;


Season Length: For the purposes of this policy, the normal season length is equivalent to thirty (30) weeks of activities, which cover preseason activities, the regular schedule, tournaments, as well as the playoff period. end of season. For the purposes of this policy, weeks start on Monday and end on Sunday;


Request received before the start of the activities: when the request for termination and reimbursement is received before the date of the start of the activities, a member is entitled to a full refund, without charge or penalty, of the amount he paid for registration ;


Request received after the start of activities: when the request for termination and reimbursement is received on or after the day of the start of activities, a member is entitled to a partial reimbursement of the amount of his registration, as determined by the formula of the reimbursement calculation below;


Refund calculation formula: When a player is entitled to a refund, it will be calculated as follows:


(A - (B + C + D + E) = refund where:


A. Amount actually paid for the player's registration at the time of the termination request

B. Hockey Canada Insurance Fees

C. Hockey Canada, Hockey Québec and Hockey Richelieu membership fees

D. A sum equivalent to the number of weeks of activities completed before the date of receipt of the request, multiplied by one thirtieth (1 / 30th) of the residual sum of the formula (A- (B + C))

E. Penalty equivalent to $ 50 to cover administrative costs for the organization of the current season.


F. Extension or postponement of the season: in circumstances where the AHMSL is obliged to shift in time or to postpone one or more activities due to circumstances beyond its control, the AHMSL reserves the right to rearrange the schedule so as to constitute a reasonably comparable offer of activities, taking into account the circumstances, without proceeding to a refund


Cancellation of the season: in circumstances where the AHMSL is forced to cancel all or part of the activities due to circumstances beyond its control, it will refund the weeks for which the activities have been canceled, by applying the formula calculation of the above reimbursement, but omitting the application of the penalty provided for in “E”;


Time limit for refund: if, by virtue of the application of this policy, the member is eligible for a total or partial refund of his registration fees, in accordance with article 196 of the Consumer Protection Act, AHMSL will reimburse the amounts due no later than ten (10) days after receipt of the request for termination of the contract;


Non-reversible termination request: A player who requests the termination of his registration may not re-register again during the same season covered by his termination request.

Registration 2024-25

Start date
End date