

VMHA 2024/25 registration




Terms & Conditions for payment and cancellation

Payment can be made by personal cheque, cash, etransfer or through Kidsport (where applicable).  Cheques can be made out to Vulcan and District Minor Hockey.  Etransfer to [email protected]

There are a few payment options:

-Payment in full

-Post-dated cheques or installments-   initial $100 deposit (due by Aug 30) plus balance due by November 15 unless previous arrangements are made with the treasurer.

***As per VMH’s policy:    Full payment is expected by November 15 (unless arrangements have been made with the treasurer for a longer pay period).   If not paid in full, your child will not be allowed on the ice after November 15 until payment is complete.  Privileges will be revoked if payment falls into arrears or default.


NSF FEE- a $25 NSF fee will be charged on all returned cheques.


***    Player registrations received after the announced deadline do not have to be accepted by VMHA if the team that they are registering for is full.  If a late registration (Aug 15-end of tiering) is accepted, the player is subject to an additional late fee of $50. Note: this applies to U9-U18 ages that have played previously for VMHA

***  Late payment fee is also in effect- $50 if not paid by November 15 (unless arrangements are made.)  This applies to all levels.



Refunds will be based on the date of written notification to the VMH treasurer.  Monies are held back to cover administration costs and applicable fees from Hockey Alberta including insurance.  Remaining fees are prorated to cover the cost of ice time and referees.  The refund rates are as follows:

Prior to November 1-                    80% of annual fees less $50

Prior to December 1-                    60% of annual fees less $50

Prior to January 1-                         40% of annual fees less $50

VMHA 2024/25 registration

Start date
End date