

2024-2025 Valley East Minor Hockey Registration




Terms and Conditions

All players must be registered with VEMHA before going on any ice.

A child is not deemed as registered until paid in full or payment arrangements have been made with the President and/or Treasurer.

A $50.00 late registration fee will apply to registrations received after September 5, with the exception of players registered in the Initiation division and players who required a release from their previous Association


1) NO REFUNDS for withdrawing of a player who voluntarily quits for any reason after drafts or teams are made which may also include to pursue other interests or to play other sports which specifically include High School Hockey.

2) Full Refund if a player quits before Division drafts or teams are made which could also include minus of any costs incurred by VEMHA

3) If a refund is requested for reasons of a season ending injury then the request must be accompanied by a Doctor’s note. This would be based on less than half (50%) the season played. If more than one half (50%) is played, then no refund will be approved unless approved by VEMHA executive. No releases to other Teams/Associations will be granted.

4) All refund requests will be evaluated for a possible approval at end of season and if approved will be paid out at such time unless approved by VEMHA executive at an earlier date.

5) The Insurance fees will not be refunded

6) The Administration fee of 10% will not be refunded

7) Any costs of Sweater/socks will not be refunded

8) Any NOHA fees will not be refunded

9) In the case of where a player has requested a refund during the season the amount will be prorated only if approved by item 1)

Example: Played 15 of 30 games equals half registration fees back less items 3), 4), 5) and 6)

10) Tyke/Initiation or any new players will be dealt on a one on one basis with VEMHA Executive/ Initiation Convenor in which item 7) would apply if approved

11) VEMHA Executive reserves the right for any final decisions of all above items which may also include a player's residence changes outside of NOHA District 2 during season and/or if a player is released by VEMHA based on a case by case basis.

COVID-19 Related Refund Should the season need to be "paused" or "cancelled" due to health restrictions related to the coronavirus pandemic, a prorated refund will be provided to families. However, be aware season structure may need to change based on guidance from public health, NOHA and/or Hockey Canada.

2024-2025 Valley East Minor Hockey Registration

Start date
End date