

2024-2025 Registration






  • A refund may be requested in writing to the SMHRA Treasurer and Registrar up to December 31st of the current hockey season.
  • Once a refund is requested, the player must not participate in any SMHRA activities.
  • If a player has not participated in any SMHRA activity and a refund is requested prior to September 30th, 100% of the registration, less a $50.00 administration fee is refunded.
  • Refunds will not be issued for any form of disciplinary action including suspensions issued by SMHRA or other governing bodies.
  • Hockey Canada Insurance, Hockey Manitoba Registration and Interlake portions of the total SMHRA registration fees are 100% non-refundable once a player has taken part in any SMHRA activities.

If a player has participated in any SMHRA activity, the remaining registration fees (after non-refundable fees have been calculated) shall be refunded based on the date the request is received by the SMHRA treasurer and Registrar as follows:

  • Prior to September 30th, 80% of the remaining registration fee is refunded.
  • October 1st to 31st, 75% of the remaining registration fee is refunded.November 1st to November 30th, 50% of the remaining registration fee is refunded.
  • December 1st to December 31st, 25% of the remaining registration fee is refunded.
  • No refunds will be issued after December 31st except in the case of a significant injury with consideration by the

Board of Directors through a vote, in cases where the incident occurred before the end of the year and the player is unable to return for the balance of the season.

2024-2025 Registration

Start date
End date