

Steinbach Minor Hockey Registration 2024-2025




Registration Fee Refund Policy

Registration Fee Refunds 

1) Non-Medical Refunds:

Players that withdraw from SMHA for non-medical reasons are entitled to a refund of their registration fees in accordance with the following and pro-rated accordingly:

a. Prior to OCTOBER 15th

i. Prior to team formation 100% Minus $25 Admin Fee

ii. After roster submission Minus insurance, Eastman Fees, and $25 Admin Fee

b. OCTOBER 16th – NOVEMBER 15th 75% Less the Above

c. NOVEMBER 16th – DECEMBER 15th 50% Less the Above

d. After DECEMBER 15th No Refund

2) Medical Refunds:

Players withdrawing for medical reasons as a result of injuries whether related to hockey or otherwise will be pro-rated the same as section 1. The board can consider refunds for medical conditions beyond injuries at its discretion after a written request by the player with supporting medical documentation stating the player is unable to play hockey for medical reasons.

3) Deadline to Request Refunds:

No refund requests will be considered for medical or non-medical reasons after DECEMBER 15th. The board may at its discretion make an exception for extraordinary or compassionate circumstances.

4) Exclusions to Refund Policy: Players that receive a long-term suspension due to their conduct on or off the ice are not entitled to a refund of their registration fees for any reason whether medical or non-medical.


1) Late Fees: A late fee as set by the board annually will be applied to registrations received after SEPTEMBER 1st of each year with the exception of new Squirts players and new members of the community.

2) Amounts Owing:

a. Any balances due for registration or fines from prior years must be paid in full before players will be allowed to register and play for the current year/season.

b. In the case of a missed payment, returned cheque, or failed credit card transaction payment must be made for the full amount of that specific payment (in addition to any applicable fees as set by the board annually) within one week of notification to that payer. Failure to do so will result in player suspension until payment is received.

c. In the case of a canceled e-transfer or a stop payment on a cheque, the player/s will be suspended IMMEDIATELY until a guaranteed form of payment is received and verified.

d. After two cheques are returned by the payer’s bank to SMHA (for any reason) the payer will only be allowed for the remainder of that season to use guaranteed forms of payment such as a bank draft or a certified cheque. Cash is only acceptable if agreed upon by the association receiving member and must be hand-delivered.

Steinbach Minor Hockey Registration 2024-2025

Start date
End date