

SHA Volunteer Registration




Sarnia Hockey Association Terms and Conditions

1.  All participants shall, if requested, produce proof of age as issued by the Province of Ontario.  In cases where the player was born outside of Ontario, an official birth certificate from the Province, State or Country of birth shall be accepted.  In the event a player does not have a birth certificate, the following items will be accepted in lieu:

  • Passport

Failure to produce this upon request will result in the participant being suspended from all on ice and off ice activities offered through Sarnia Hockey Association.  Reinstatement will occur if proof of age is recieved within 15 days.  In the event the participant is suspended for failure to produce proof of age, a prorated refund will be issued after the 15 days expire (if applicable)

2.  All participants shall, if requested, produce proof of current address.  This can be a drivers licence (parents for those players under 16) or a untility bill/piece of mail showing current address.

3.  All players must pay current registration fees in full before being eligible for any/all evaluation skates, tryouts or team selection within Sarnia Hockey Association. Final deadline for Registration to be paid in FULL is September 1st. If selecting the Payment Plan please note that Installments are due on June 20, July 20 and August 20

4.  Anyone registering after the registration deadline will be charged a late fee of $250.  This late fee is non-refundable and non-negotiable.

5.  Players registered with Sarnia Hockey Association are not permitted to register with other Associations as per the rules of the OHF.

6.  By registering with Sarnia Hockey Association, you agree to all the conditions laid out in this document and with all waivers signed at the time of registration.  Failure to abide by these conditions/waivers will result in a suspension of ice time with Sarnia Hockey Association until the Board of Reference can determine further consequences.


Sarnia Hockey Association Refund Guidelines


1.  All refunds will be dealt with by both the Treasurer and Registrar on a case-by-case bases.

2.  All refunds will be subject to a Sarnia Hockey Association Processing Fee. This processing fee is subject to change and will be decided by the Treasurer based on current banking fees

3.  All refunds requested after the season has begun or after the player has participated in an evaluation skate or other on ice activity will be subject to a Hockey Canada Membership Surcharge.  This surcharge is subject to change and based on the current Membership Fees set out by Hockey Canada, the OHF and Alliance Hockey

4.  Refunds requested once the season has begun will also be subject to a fee reduction based on how many weeks into the season we are.  This reduction will be calculated by the Treasurer and Registrar and based on the Basic Registration rate and 25 weeks of hockey.

5.  Refunds may be subject to a Jersey Surcharge.


7.  Representative player refunds may be subject to a team fee assessment.  This decision will be made by the Treasurer and Vice Chair of Representative Hockey.

8.  If registration was paid by credit card, refunds will processed back to the credit card used at the time of registration.  This process takes 3-10 business days.

9.  If registration was paid by E-transfer, an E-transfer refund will be issued to the email address associated to the players profile.  E-transfer refunds will be issued within  days of confirmation of a player withdraw by the Registrar.

10.  If a refund is requested via cheque, the cheque will be issued to the name of the parent/guardian who registered the player.  Cheques will be mailed to the address on the players profile.  In the event that you have moved and not previously notified Sarnia Hockey Association of said move, you will be subject to a $50 stop payment and cheque reissue fee

In light of the current and ever changing Covid Restrictions, should the Province of Ontario, Hockey Canada, the OHF, Alliance Hockey or the City of Sarnia, cancel our season, refunds will not be subject to the Sarnia Hockey Association Processing Fee and will be prorated based on where we are in the season.

SHA Volunteer Registration

Date de début des inscriptions
Date de fin des inscriptions