2025 Leduc Giants Registration
2025 Regular Season
Spordle payments are processed through Paysafe and all Paysafe terms and conditions apply. Requests for refund will be honored until April 20, 2025, and all refunds issued will be subject to a $30.00 admin fee.
Players and parents will be required to fill out physical waivers and pledges as distributed by their OFM at the beginning of the baseball season. Failure to complete these forms could result in players being ineligible to play until forms are completed.
For the 2025 season, age divisions are defined by Baseball Alberta by the following birth years:
5U: 2020 & 2021
7U: 2018 & 2019
9U: 2016 & 2017
11U: 2014 & 2015
13U: 2012 & 2013
15U: 2010 & 2011
18U: 2007, 2008, 2009
Welcome to the regular season registration for Leduc Baseball Association!
We are thrilled to once again be offering fun and development focused programming for athletes from 5U through 18U. Please note that earlybird fees are in effect until February 15, when fees at ALL age divisions will increase by $35.00.
This season 11U athletes will again receive a 3/4 sleeve Giants shirt to keep as part of their registration! The cost of shirts for 5U, 7U, 9U, and 11U athletes are built into their registration fees. 13U, 15U, and 18U athletes will wear Leduc Giants jerseys that must be returned at the completion of the season.
For athletes interested in playing A level baseball with the Leduc Giants this season, teams will be formed preseason via tryouts for 11U and 13U. The 11U-A and 13U-A teams will play in the YEGA league again this season and register as a team for A provincials in July. Providing adequate registration and interest, we will also offer A teams at the U15 and U18 level, please watch for more details if your athlete is interested in this! The A level team will have additional practices and enter the A provincials in July. Athletes who are successful in making an A level team will be assessed an additional $100.00 level up fee to offset the cost of the longer season of play. Athletes must register for the A level tryout, for a fee of $25.00, to be eligible to tryout for the A teams. The 11U and 13U A tryout registration is part of this form, and the 15U and 18U A tryout registration will be available at a later date.
We are actively working on the indoor schedule for tryouts and evaluations, please continue to follow us on Facebook and monitor our website for the most up to date information.
As part of your registration this year you will sign an agreement relating to our volunteer credit fulfilment. Currently we are recruiting volunteers to support our teams by filling the roles of Head Coach, Assistant Coach, or Manager. We would love to have you join us as team staff this year! If you are interested in coaching or managing and didn’t indicate so in the registration form, please contact Katie at [email protected] for more information.
For information such as mandatory equipment and details on upcoming events, please visit our website at https://leducbaseballassociation.teamsnapsites.com/
For the 2025 season, Leduc Baseball Association continues to join with Beaumont Minor Baseball Association to provide AA and AAA baseball under the Black Gold 47’s banner. For more information on their programming please visit https://blackgoldbaseball.ca/
Last year LBA registered more than 400 athletes, and we love to see the game of baseball growing in our community! With this growth, we are unable to continue to honor friend requests outside of siblings on house teams and exceptional circumstances. Thank you for your understanding.
Please contact LBA registrar, Katie, at [email protected] with any questions you may have.
Thank you for your interest in our programming!
Go Giants!