Code of Conduct
Player and Parent Code of Conduct
The following Code of Conduct applies to all Members affiliated with the North Toronto Hockey Association (NTHA) who are registered or active for the current hockey season including:
- players,
- parents and legal/de facto guardians such as aunts, uncles, grandparents,
- coaches, assistant coaches, managers, trainers, rostered volunteers,
- referees and off ice officials,
- other volunteers,
- board members, and
- paid employees or affiliates.
This Code of Conduct and its sanction provisions will be in force for all Members during their affiliation with the NTHA as defined by:
- the Hockey Canada registration status as a player, team official or parent/guardian or,
- in the case of board members/employees, by their tenure or contract dates as applicable.
All Members so defined are:
- required to act in accordance with the provisions in the Code of Conduct, and
- agree to abide by any disciplinary actions as determined through the NTHA Discipline/Dispute Resolution protocol up to and including, suspension or revocation of membership and associated rights and privileges.
All members and participants of the NTHA shall conduct themselves at all times in a manner consistent with the values of the NTHA, which include integrity, sportsmanship, honesty, respect, compassion, and fairness. During the course of all NTHA activities and events, members and participants shall avoid behaviour which brings the NTHA or the sport of hockey into disrepute, including but not limited to:
- Use of alcohol by minors and abuse of alcohol by other members,
- Use of non-medical drugs,
- Use of abusive language,
- Objectionable conduct,
- Any disparaging comments or conduct which undermines the integrity of teammates, parents, opponents, officials, coaches, sponsors, the NTHA Program, or the NTHA and its Board either verbally, in writing or through email, social media, Teamsnap and all other digital platforms.
In particular, all members will refrain from:
- Disrespectful, offensive, abusive, racist or sexist comments and behaviour,
- Harassment and bullying,
- Abusing/damaging the property of hotels, rinks, restaurants and any other facilities used in connection with NTHA activities,
- Physical/sexual abuse or assault. (These behaviours should be reported immediately to law enforcement.)
Further, all Members shall refrain from the following at all times, whether or not they are participating in NTHA activities:
- Copying or affixing any of the NTHA logos or recognizable marks to any apparel or product outside of the NTHA-approved supplier channels without prior written consent from the NTHA President or Board of Directors;
- Using the NTHA logo, colours, jerseys or recognizable marks for any commercial, personal or political reason whatsoever without prior written consent from the NTHA President or Board of Directors;
- Using NTHA jerseys/socks in any exhibition game or tournament not sanctioned by Hockey Canada or the GTHL including, but not limited to, spring hockey leagues;
- Use of any NTHA sponsor logos/names/marks for any purpose whatsoever without written consent from the owner;
- Speaking for, or on behalf of, the NTHA with public media outlets (broadcast and digital) without prior written consent from the NTHA President or Board of Directors.
Players, during the course of all NTHA activities and events wherever they may occur, shall:
- Make a commitment to their team to attend all practices, games, meetings, special events, and by playing to the best of their ability;
- Respect their coaches and team staff, and remember that coaches and team staff are volunteers providing participants with the opportunity to learn and play the game of hockey;
- Respect the safety of other participants by observing and following the rules of the game; and
- Respect officials and their decisions;
- Never leave an arena or hotel while away from home without permission and notification of the coaching staff;
- Adhere to team curfews and abide by all local laws.
Parents and guardians during the course of all NTHA activities and events wherever they may occur, shall:
- Agree to pay all fees as required by the NTHA and/or Team Manager on the schedule requested and to immediately notify the appropriate NTHA representative if alternate financial arrangements are necessary;
- Enroll their children for the pure enjoyment of the game and the opportunity to learn the skills of the sport;
- Recognize that at a hockey rink, their children’s development is in the hands of volunteers who are giving their time and energy for the sake of all participants;
- Respect the decisions of the coaches and team staff at all times;
- Encourage their children to play by the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility, profanity, verbal or physical violence;
- Never verbally abuse volunteer coaches, team staff or officials nor undermine them by contradicting, interfering, or questioning their character, motivation, or judgment in public;
- Acknowledge that they remain responsible, as parents and guardians, for the safety of their children while they are participating in NTHA activities and will therefore do their part to protect and enhance the safety of their child and others;
- Communicate concerns and attempt to resolve conflicts directly with the coaching staff and in accordance with the NTHA Complaint/Dispute Resolution protocol;
- Agree to accept all responsibility, including any monetary costs, for any player who is sent home from an away tournament as a result of violating team rules/curfews and/or any laws in the tournament jurisdiction.
Coaches and team staff, during the course of all NTHA activities and events, shall:
- Be reasonable when scheduling games and practices, remembering that players have other interest and obligations;
- Teach players to play fairly and to respect the rules, officials, opponents and teammates;
- Remember that players play to have fun and must be encouraged to have confidence in themselves;
- Ensure that all players receive equal instruction, support and appropriate, fair playing time;
- Remember that participants need coaches and team staff who model respectful behaviour;
- Be generous with praise and set a good example;
- Recognize that, as coaches and team staff, they are in a position of trust and power, and shall do nothing to take advantage of it;
- Be well prepared, adequately skilled and obtain training and certification as required by the Hockey Canada, Ontario Hockey Federation, Greater Toronto Hockey League, North York Hockey League and/or NTHA as applicable;
- Refrain from ridiculing or yelling at players for making mistakes or for performing poorly;
- Refrain from addressing players of an opposing team except to provide positive encouragement or congratulations;
- Take reasonable steps to ensure that equipment and facilities are safe and appropriate to their players;
- Cooperate with officials and address them and coaches of opposing teams only in a civilized and respectful tone;
- Encourage fair and open communication with parents and players and proactively address and seek to resolve all issues and conflicts directly with parents and players and report all material issues and conflicts to the appropriate head of your Division.