

Humber Valley Hockey Association




Terms and Conditions Humber Valley Hockey



1. This application is conditional upon acceptance by Humber Valley Hockey Association (HVHA). Final registration is confirmed once the following conditions of acceptance are met:

2. HVHA reserves the right to place the player at the appropriate level and team based on the following criteria: i) Age; ii) Skill, and iii) Space Available.

3. Coach, friend and car pooling requests will be taken into consideration and we will do our best to accommodate these requests.  However, in order to ensure that teams are balanced, there are times when it will not be possible to accommodate requests.


5. Players may not register with another hockey league at the same time. This may result in a rejection of this application. 

6.  HVHA's Refund Policy has been reviewed and understood:

·        Until midnight the day before the season starts: 100% of registration fee will be refunded*

·        1st to 30th day of the house league season: 50% of registration fee refunded*

·        30 days after season starts: 0% of registration fee refunded*

*Note: There is a Cancellation Fee of $50.00 for all Cancellation requests regardless of when made.

7. HVHA strives to provide a safe, inclusive and enjoyable environment for all of our participants. All players, parents and guardians, coaches, volunteers, officials and directors who participate in HVHA events and activities are required to adhere to the requirements listed below and HVHA's policies on harassment.  Failure at any time to observe these requirements may result in disciplinary action against the player, including the suspension of rights to participate in any sanctioned activities of the HVHA. Any player suspended from participation will not receive a refund.

·        HVHA participants shall promote core values of mutual respect, fair play and integrity.

·        HVHA participants will not engage in any activity which endangers the safety of others.

·        HVHA participants will refrain from comments or behaviours which are disrespectful, offensive, abusive, racist, sexist or exclusionary. In particular, comments or behaviour which constitutes harassment, abuse or bullying, will not be tolerated.

·        HVHA participants shall at all times adhere to the rules and regulations governing HVHA events and activities, and to rules and regulations governing any competitions, events or activities in which the member or participant participates.

8. HVHA has obtained accident insurance for all approved players. The player must wear proper equipment at all times, including C.H.A. approved neck guards.

 9. HVHA has obtained accident insurance for all approved coaches, staff and volunteers. These staff and volunteers must wear helmets while on HVHA ice.

10. The player or his or her parent/ guardianhereby waiver and release HVHA and its officers, directors, volunteers, coaches, managers, and otehr HVHA representatives, whether negligent or in breach of any other obligation imposed by law, for any injury, damage or loss sustained by the player or his or her parent/guardian while participating in or attending at games, practices, or other event involving HVHA. 

11. All coaching staff and volunteers must hold a mandatory certification and submit a valid Police Volunteer Screening to be approved to volunteer with HVHA.

12. The Privacy Statement below has been read and agreed to on this application:

HVHA collects personal information for the purposes of providing hockey programming and communication with the players and parents. HVHA will be utilizing any and all information contained in this Registration form for these purposes.

On occasion, in order to facilitate promotional activities as well as celebrate the achievements of our various HVHA teams, we would like to post photos or videos on our website as well as other social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.  

We will always strive to post online photos or videos which will not identify your child (i.e. hockey helmets on, photos taken from the back), however, there may be instances where your child's face or other identifying details will appear
.  In these cases, we will assume that you have provided your permission to allow your child's photo or video to be posted online and that, unless we hear from you revoking such permission, you do not object to the posting.

To opt out of this consent or should you have any further questions, please contact [email protected].

Humber Valley Hockey Association

Date de début
Date de fin